Workshop to enhance youth’s communication and leadership skills.
Toastmasters International believes in investing in our youth. The Youth Leadership Program is a workshop that can be a four, six- or eight-week program enabling young people to develop communication and leadership skills through practical experience. The program can be presented during or after school, during the summer or on weekends.
The Youth Leadership Program does not compete with school programs, courses, or other established youth projects. Instead, it’s a supplement to these programs, providing emphasis on specialized speaking, leadership skills, and individual needs. Participants learn to:
- Overcome nervousness when speaking before an audience
- Organize and present ideas logically and convincingly
- Listen carefully to others’ ideas
- Offer advice to help others improve their speaking and leadership skills
- Participate in – and even lead – group discussion or meetings
The Youth Leadership Program provides a safe environment for youth (Ages 12-17), limited to 25 students. They learn skills to improve public speaking abilities, preparing, giving speeches and delivering impromptu talks:
Session 1 – Introduction to Chairmanship
Session 2 – Introduction to Public Speaking Session
Session 3 – Impromptu Speaking
Session 4 – Organizing your Speech
Session 5 – Listening
Session 6 – Gestures in Speaking
Session 7 – Voice and Vocabulary
Session 8 – Show Your Skills
Participants enjoy hands-on, experiential learning
Participants are selected by the sponsoring Toastmasters club or by a cooperating organization (such as a school etc.).
A local Toastmasters club serves as a sponsor and provides a volunteer Toastmasters coordinator to present the program. Find out what is required for a Toastmaster to become a Youth Leadership Program coordinator click here.
The workshop and workbooks are free. There is no charge to participate in the program. The volunteer coordinator and an assistant(s) attend each meeting, where they will lead the presentations. Sessions generally follow a format similar to that of an adult Toastmasters club meeting, including an announced agenda, practise in parliamentary procedure, and the selection of presiding officers.
Use the following link to download a printable brochure: YLP Brochure.
The following link will connect you with the handout and the webinar! After reviewing the webinar if you have any questions please feel free to contact me using my email address below. Enjoy the webinar!
For additional information, please contact Jeet Tulshi at