The Distinguished Club Program is an annual program, running from July 1 through June 30. The program consists of 10 goals that clubs strive to achieve. These goals are indicators of a high-quality club, which enhances the member experience.
5 goals achieved = Distinguished Club
7 goals achieved = Select Distinguished Club
9 goals achieved = President’s Distinguished Club
In addition to the potential to achieve 10 goals, to be considered for recognition, the club must either have 20 members or a net growth of at least five new members as of June 30. Transfer and charter members do not count toward a club’s membership goals.
The 10 goals have been grouped into 4 areas:
- Education
- Membership
- Training
- Administration
The above chart illustrates how to earn up to six educational awards through Pathways.
Only members in good standing are eligible to earn education awards. A member in good standing is one whose dues have been paid by the club and received by World Headquarters by March 31 for the April-September period and by September 30 for the October-March period. All award applications must be complete and received by World Headquarters by June 30.
Clubs may credit only one type of education award per member per year. This encourages all members to progress in the education program, not just a few.
Credit for an award may be given to only one club. Members who belong to more than one club must choose which club receives credit for any one of their awards.
Goal 7 – Four new members join the club
Goal 8 – Four more new members join the club
A club must submit a membership application to World Headquarters, along with corresponding membership dues for each new, dual, and reinstated member who joins during the Toastmasters year. (Transfer and charter members do not count toward your club’s membership goals.) For clubs to receive credit in the Distinguished Club Program for the current Toastmasters year, membership applications and new membership dues must be received by World Headquarters no later than June 30.
Goal 9 – At least four club officers—president, vice president education, vice president membership, vice president public relations, secretary, treasurer, and sergeant at arms—are trained in their responsibilities. Officers must attend two district-sponsored training sessions. Credit is not given for non-officers attending in place of elected officers, and credit is given only for one person per office. Officers must be trained for the position to which they were elected.
Goal 10 – On-time payment of membership dues accompanied by the names of eight members (at least three of whom must be renewing members) for one period and on-time submission of one club officer list. For new clubs that are chartered between October 1 and June 30, the charter submission fulfills the requirement for an on-time officer list and payment of membership dues.
When payment of membership dues accompanied by the names of eight members (at least three of whom must be renewing members) for one period and one club officer list is submitted on time, the club achieves Goal # 10.
For the membership dues portion of Goal 10, your club receives credit when:
- Your club’s October–March membership dues accompanied by the names of eight members (at least three of whom must be renewing members) are received by World Headquarters on or before October 1st
- Your club’s April–September membership dues and the names of eight members (at least three of whom must be renewing members) are received by World Headquarters on or before April 1st
For the portion of Goal 10 which addresses club officer lists, keep in mind that, while certain clubs elect officers annually, clubs which meet at least weekly may hold semiannual elections.
If your club holds annual elections, your club officer list must be received by World Headquarters by June 30 of the previous Toastmasters year to earn credit toward Goal 10. This means that clubs whose club officer lists are received by June 30 earn credit in the Distinguished Club Program in the upcoming Toastmasters year, not in the previous year.
If your club holds semiannual elections, your club officer lists must be received by World Headquarters by June 30 of the previous Toastmasters year and/or by December 31 of the current Toastmasters year to earn credit toward Goal 10.
Annual terms are from July 1 through June 30. Semi-annual terms run from July 1 through December 31 and January 1 through June 30. Clubs that elect officers contrary to this schedule are operating in violation of the Club Constitution for Clubs of Toastmasters International and are not eligible for credit in the Distinguished Club Program for submitting club officer lists.