Transforming Tomorrow Together – Today!
Thank you for visiting the District 60 website! We hope that everyone has enjoyed Summer 2024 and is ready to return to our routines. As we get re-accustomed, we want to introduce the District 60 theme for the 2024-2025 Program Year: Transforming Tomorrow Together – Today! and hope that everyone embraces its meaning. The work that we do – helping members to become better speakers and leaders (transforming) – leads to a much better future – (tomorrow), and we undertake that work collaboratively (together). That work can only be successful if we act now (today!). Please feel free to use this tagline in your communications.
District 60 wishes you the best in the 2024-2025 Program Year!
Pathways is evolving!
Our educational program is being enhanced!
- The changes are scheduled to be launched in 2024;
- The Path you’re already working on, or begin before the changes are implemented, will continue to be available with no interruption or change;
- The new educational program will launch with six Paths:
- Dynamic Leadership
- Engaging Humor
- Motivational Strategies
- Presentation Mastery
- Persuasive Influence
- Visionary Communication
To find out more, please click here.
From Region 6 to Region 5
You belong to a club that belongs to an Area that belongs to a Division that belongs to District 60!
What you may not know is that District 60 belongs to one of 14 Regions worldwide, and for the last few years that Region has been Region 6 which currently comprises 10 Districts.
As of July 1, 2024, we have moved! We have moved to Region 5, which will be more west-east than Region 6’s north-south configuration.
Please click here for more information.
Using Prepared Speeches for Career Success – Panel Discussion
Senior management of a corporation will often ask its workforce to improve communication skills. Communicating effectively and with confidence is highly valued in the workplace. Prepared speeches at Toastmasters are a great way to learn to present a message that is simple yet effective and impactful, one that will differentiate you in the workplace.
At the Using Prepared Speeches for Career Success – Panel Discussion hosted by District 60, the following three topics were discussed:
- Benefits of Giving Prepared Speeches to Career Success:
- How to make speeches less effort and more fun
- How to make Pathways works for you
The distinguished panel comprised of the following:
- Andrew Mertens, DTM, 2022/23 District 60 District Director
- John Ribeiro, DTM, Certified Leadership Coach
- Mthabisi Mhlanga, Winner of District 60 2022 International Speech Contest and Quarter-finalist at the 2022 World Champion of Public Speaking.
The panellists shared many personal career success stories which they felt were due to the skills learned through prepared speeches. The overarching message was: If we are at Toastmasters to learn to communicate effectively and with confidence in the workplace, then it is important that we give as many prepared speeches as possible.