Mechanical & Industrial Engineering Building Room 331
5 King’s College Road
Toronto, ON M5S 3G8
Registration Link: https://www.eventbrite.ca/e/lead-effective-business-engineering-meetings-workshop-at-tecs-tickets-36454706007
A special workshop during our regular Sept 12 meeting time
Learn how to lead a business or engineering meeting that accomplishes goals and effectively uses participants’ time and energy; how to properly prepare for a meeting; how to facilitate a meeting; and how to prepare meeting notes.
The presenter: Justin Edenbaum, P.Eng, PE (NY):
Justin is an engineer and 16-year Toastmaster. Over the years he has attended and led many meetings. Out of total frustration from sitting through – and maybe leading – too many boring meetings that lacked purpose and control, Justin researched how to conduct meetings properly.