TECS Toastmasters will be presenting a workshop on The Power of Ideas at our June 26th meeting.
The Power of Ideas workshop will show you the impact of innovative thinking and how to better harness your idea generating power and that of groups. This program will clarify the basic principles of creative thinking and explore specific techniques that can make all of us more effective idea producers.
Have you wanted to:
– Overcome mental blocks when coming up with new ideas
– Develop better brainstorming techniques
– Be a better problem solver
– Become a more skilled thinker
You will learn all this and more from our workshop, delivered by our club’s own Omar Omari, MASc, a graduate of Mechanical Engineering at U of T, and a past club president.
Register here: https://www.eventbrite.ca/e/the-power-of-ideas-workshop-by-tecs-toastmasters-tickets-47128586872