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Interested in running a Speechcraft Program to build membership in your club? This seminar provides practical lessons in how to start and run a Speechcraft program from someone who’s been a Coordinator and successfully conducted the program, both in person in the legacy program and virtually using the new electronic curriculum. The goal is to share lessons learned (including by trial and error) and to give a peek into how the new curriculum functions from all perspectives–Coordinator, Guide, meeting role players, and Speechcrafters. The session will be valuable for anyone who is interested in what Speechcraft can do for a club, but particularly those who are interested in the Coordinator role.
Presenter: Facilitated by Susan Carroll-Clark, DTM. Susan has conducted two Speechcraft programs and assisted with two more under the former program, and has just coordinated it using the new Pathways-compliant format on-line. She is eager to share her experience to help enhance the Speechcraft experience.