About this Event
Businesses are not run with the same standards of ethics in all parts of the world. In some places, a bribe is not only expected, but demanded. In some organizations, ethical standards are not critical. Adjusting to being part of the Canadian work force may cause you to re-examine your set of ethics and values.
During this panel discussion, you will:
- learn how to set acceptable and ethical boundaries that will help keep you out of trouble;
- learn how to adjust to the Canadian business environment;
- learn how to make the right decision that will uphold your reputation and honour;
- learn how to avoid unethical business practices and stay out of jail; and
- learn how ethical leadership can help further your career
Whether you are a university/college student, new to the Canadian work force, or have been working for many years, join us for this event and learn how to advance your career with ethical leadership.
Our panelists are from a wide range of backgrounds, ideas, and sectors of the market – but all are highly ethical and respected individuals who believe in excellence.
Meet our Faculty: Ethical Leadership 2020 Faculty
This will be hosted on Zoom. An email will go out to the registrants at noon on the 6th of May. Please add this to your calendar and keep an eye out for the email. We are not providing the information at this time to help ensure a secure and safe meeting space. Thank you for your understanding.
Registration: https://www.eventbrite.ca/e/ethical-leadership-2020-registration-103366730674?aff=ebdssbonlinesearch