Welcome fellow Toastmasters to Division E International Speech and Evaluation Contests
Date: Saturday, March 30th, 2019
Start Time: 9:00 am
Contestants’ Briefing: 9:10 am
Judges’ Briefing: 9:10 am
Contest Starts: 9:30 am
Location : Please note our contest location has changed.
75 Centennial Road, Ajax, L1S 4S4
The Ajax Community Centre is on the South side of Highway 401 and West of Harwood Avenue South.
The Ajax Community Centre is bordered by Centennial Road (North), Kitney Drive (East), Clements Road West (South), and Monarch Avenue (West). Please enter by the SOUTH Entrance.
Who can attend: Family and friends are invited to support and cheer for their favourite contestant(s).
Volunteers needed! Please contact our Contest Chair, Julita Jaworski at julita.jaworski@gmail.com