Learn from others! Be inspired to promote the best in each member!
New to the role or a seasoned officer, this is an opportunity to get ideas, inspiration and invigoration. Everyone is a teacher and a student! Your trainer will guide you through a stimulating discussion that will allow you to get the most out of your role and help each member get the most out of Toastmasters.
When: 15 Aug 2022, 6:30-8:00pm ET Toronto.
Where: On Zoom. Room will open at 6:30pm ET for a 7:00pm start time. Please login early to aid the Zoom Master. Link will be provided in the confirmation email. Please add that to your calendar. *One ticket per order please, unless you are the same officer in more than one club.
Register: https://www.eventbrite.ca/e/division-a-club-officer-training-round-1-tickets-387573862857