District 60 COT and Marketing Bootcamp |
Clubs enjoy greater success when officers are trained in their rolesAs an elected club officer, attending training is critical to your club’s success. In Phase I training, you will learn about the Distinguished Club Program, Club Central and the responsibilities of your new executive role in meeting members’ needs. Plus you will learn about opportunities to develop your skills as a leader. Your attendance at club officer training will bring your club one step closer to achieving its Distinguished Club (DCP) goals. To earn DCP credit, you must be registered with Toastmasters International as an officer in the role for which you are attending training. A minimum of four officers from your club must attend Phase I training and four officers attend Phase II training to earn one DCP goal. Clubs where all seven officers are trained enjoy greater success and leadership growth. Register for free training and workshops.Location Schedule Two lunch options There are benches and picnic tables in the gardens of Glendon College, lovely for an outdoor picnic on a sunny day. Indoor seating is available in the cafeteria in the event of inclement weather. Club Officer Trainers Transportation Weekend on-campus parking $7 per day. Register Today! |
Contact : Janice Howard at PQD@Toastmasters60.com |