District Leadership Committee Chair 2021-2022, Dawn Frail, DTM, IPDD
A district leader has one of the most important leadership roles within Toastmasters International. The success of the district, its clubs and the members within each club depends on how well the district leaders execute the responsibilities of their office.
The District Leadership Committee (DLC) is seeking qualified candidates to serve in a number of elected and appointed leadership roles from July 1, 2021 to June 30, 2022. Service in any of the elected roles described below will earn you district leadership credit towards your Distinguished Toastmaster award. Please forward all documents to nominations@toastmasters60.com . Please be sure to read the Important Note below.
Specifically, we are seeking nominations for the following positions in both District 60 and District 123. Please click here to see the District Reformation map for information about the new District 60/123 border.
- Division Director
- Club Growth Director
- Program Quality Director
- District Director
NOTE: For more information, please refer to the role descriptions and/or the role competencies for each of the above roles.
If you wish to serve in an elected position, please send all the election forms, as instructed above, to the District Leadership Committee Chair, nominations@toastmasters60.com.
Deadline: Saturday, January 9th, 2021
District 60 Leadership Committee 2020:
Chair: Dawn Frail, DTM (D60)
Division A: Omar Omari, MS4
Division C: Bruce Laing, ACB, ALB
Division F: Renee Chan, DL5
Division G (South): Arthur Ching, EH2
Division H: Cate Posner, MS4
Division I: Joe Ciccone, EH3
Member at Large: Marilyn Latchford, DTM
District 123 Leadership Committee 2020:
Co-Chairs: Dawn Frail, DTM (D60) and Jacklyn Payne, DTM (D86)
Division B: Allan Madonik, DTM
Division D: Sudha Mathai, DTM
Division E: Jennifer Magee, LD4
Division G (North): Arthur Ching, EH2
Election Forms
Please submit all the following forms to the District Leadership Committee Chair, nominations@toastmasters60.com.
- Candidate Application Form
- District Leader Nominating Form
- Officer Agreement and Release Form
- District Leader Biographical Information
Please Review:
Application Deadlines
Deadline to submit applications (no extensions) for 2021 elected officer positions: January 9, 2021.
(Submit to nominations@toastmasters60.com)
APPOINTED District Positions
Appointed positions include Area Directors, Public Relations Manager, Logistics Manager, Administration Manager, Finance Manager, Parliamentarian, and other positions the elected district director deems appropriate.
More information on appointed positions can be found in the District Leadership Handbook.
If you wish to serve in an appointed position, please send all the forms, as instructed below, to the District Leadership Committee Chair, nominations@toastmasters60.com.
Please submit applications for 2021 appointed positions by March 31, 2021.
Once forms are received, we commit to confirming within 24 hours that we have successfully received them. If you have submitted your forms but have not received an email stating such, please email Dawn Frail at IPDD@Toastmasters60.com. Please note that there is no extension permitted to the January 9th, 2021 deadline for any reason, including forms not being received due to unforeseen circumstances. Due to this fact, we encourage you to submit your intentions early and then ensure they have been successfully received. Our goal is to ensure no one is disappointed.