Two important milestones met by two vibrant clubs.
CIPro Celebrates 25 years! – CIPro’s emphasis on empowering and nurturing members pays off – from conducting Moments of Truth workshops to Evaluate to Motivate at regular meetings, the club has achieved seven DTMs, one Coach of the Year, two Area Director’s of the Year and and District International Speech contest runner up. Looking forward, all it’s members have enrolled in Pathways and they are on track to President’s Distinguished Club status.
Bay Bloor Speakers Celebrates 500 meetings! – Since chartering in February 2011, Bay Bloor Speakers has worked relentlessly as a team to achieve the mission of empowering our members to develop strong communication and leadership skills. The secret to Bay Bloor Speakers’ longevity is in its passion for developing leaders. It has been the home club for several Area Directors and Division Directors and for charter member Johanne Von Zuben, DTM, who has held all three top positions in District 60.
Bay Bloor Speakers attracts members from all walks of life: students, young people starting their career, established entrepreneurs, and retirees. It is a vibrant, supportive club where we live the club mission statement. It is truly a safe, encouraging atmosphere for members to challenge themselves while enjoying the process – every meeting is fun!