Join a Toastmasters club in District 60 in February or March 2019 as a new member. Receive FREE one of the following e-books authored by a professional public speaker.
This offer applies to new, dual or reinstated members who join a District 60 club in February or March 2019. Memberships starting in February or March and paid to September 30, 2019 are eligible for the free e-book offer. District 60 will coordinate distribution of e-books to new members after March 2019.
Speak Like a Pro: Everything you need to know to survive your next speaking gig
By Phil Tasci, 2017
Speak like a Pro is brimming with every expert tip, tool and technique you’ll ever need to know to speak like a seasoned professional. Award winning speaker and author, Phil Tasci, reveals how you can master the three pillars of public speaking – Content, Structure, and Delivery – so that when you speak your message is felt, heard and understood. In today’s world, with the increasing dominance of emails, text messaging, and endless social media posts, the ability to present a powerful and impactful speech live and in person in front of an audience has become more important than ever before. The ability to speak with cool confidence is a highly prized skill and one that every person looking to get ahead in their career needs to perfect. This book has everything you’ll ever need to know so that you too can speak like a pro.
Zero2Hired: Successfully Break Through Your Interview Process
Zero2Hired was created by two veteran careerists, who recognize the potential and drive in the millennial generation who are struggling with the challenges of the hiring process. John and Connel have united their experiences from the corporate world to enlighten millennials on the varied truths behind the closed doors of recruiters and hiring managers. Too many millennials are jobless, under employed, disengaged with a meaningless job, and buried under student debt. Zero2Hired seeks to break the barriers in the hiring process that prevents anyone from finding purpose and reaching their goals. The approach? Process based, step-by-step and instructional – the way you need it to be so you can start applying it today!
From Presentation to Standing Ovation
By Ron Tsang, 2016
Need to speak and make a great impression? If you want to go from fearful to confident, and average to outstanding, then this is the book that will take you to a standing ovation. Ron Tsang shows you 15 powerful public speaking lessons in this practical and entertaining book. Find out how to:
- Overcome public speaking anxiety so that your expertise can shine
- Win over hearts and minds using your natural speaking personality
- Master the art of storytelling with 10 Hollywood secrets
- Create captivating keynotes, seminars, and presentations
- Present with more influence, power, and poise
This quick read is for everyone from experts and business owners, to students and employees, who want to sell their ideas and wow their audiences. The book includes access to additional free online resources, giving you all the help you need for your speaking success.
Speeches That Will Leave Them Speechless
By Kathryn MacKenzie, 2011
Kathryn MacKenzie’s Speeches That Will Leave You Speechless is an informative guide with simple readily applicable tips to enhance your speaking skills. It will inspire you to new heights by communicating clearly and concisely when presenting in the workplace, for competitive speaking, or if embarking on the path of professional speaking. MacKenzie, a dynamic award-winning speaker and coach, walks you through a speaker’s alphabet of tools, including:
- how to create compelling content
- how to avoid the most common delivery mistakes
- how to uncover, not add, humour
- how to go from boring to brilliant
- how to make your message stick
- how to breathe life into your speeches
Humor is No Laughing Matter
By Ross Mackay, 2006
This book is dedicated to helping you get more joy out of living by providing a tonic for your speeches, your work and your life. Many speakers don’t use humor because they feel they can’t tell a joke. This is rarely true, and this book will reveal a very practical side to the use of humor that allows most people to create more fun for their audiences. By sharing a laugh with business associates it becomes much easier to share a problem with them and also arrive at the solution. When there is love and laughter in the home, the world is a better place, and the happiness and humor will sustain us throughout our lives.