Join us for District 60’s TLI/ROUND 2 Club Officer Training, and a special Storytelling Workshop (details below) just in time for contest season.
To register, please click here.
When: Saturday November 27
Time: 9am to 12:30pm
9am to 9:30am – Registration
9:30am to 10:50am – Storytelling workshop
10:50am to 11am – Break
11am to 12:30pm – Club officer training for all roles
Storytelling workshop:
How to Uncover the Glory of Your Story™
In this interactive storytelling workshop, Pres Vasilev will reveal the most powerful Storytelling secrets. Watch Pres Vasilev’s winning World Championship speech (, engage in a dynamic discussion to explore its storytelling secrets, and learn how to craft your own compelling stories.
Pres Vasilev rose above 30,000 contestants from 122 countries to become the 2013 World Champion of Public Speaking.
He is the author of the popular online training program “How to Master Compelling Storytelling.”
For over a decade, Pres has studied, researched, and spoken on self-improvement, speaking and storytelling. Pres has coached hundreds of speakers from around the world to craft compelling stories, deliver powerful presentations, and win speech contests.
Gain Free Access to Pres Vasilev’s “Speaking Secrets” at (