Just this January, Harvard Business Review published an article, “Stop Scripting Your Speeches”. The article explains, “Speaking spontaneously, with authentic conviction and awareness, signals that you have something to say — a point you feel so strongly about that you’re willing to express it personally and out loud. Anyone can read a script. Leaders champion their ideas.” Want to lead? Attend this workshop. Participants learn practical techniques to upgrade from using a memorized script to using a conversational style of speaking. This technique reduces overall preparation time while increasing the time you practice speaking. After applying these techniques, speakers only need a written outline. That means no more word-for-word writing and memorization!
Time: Wednesday, July 21, from noon to 1 PM.
Registration: https://www.nevergray.biz/event-details/just-talk-to-me
Platform: MS Teams
Presenter: Justin Edenbaum
Justin has been a Toastmaster for over 20 years and has provided multiple workshops at clubs, events, and conferences. He got to the district finals of the international speech competition with his speech, “Wish, Pray, Send it Away.” By profession, he has been running his own engineering company for over four years.