The 1/2 Inch Difference
Grab a java and enjoy a virtual, intimate conversation with Patricia Fripp as she answers your questions and discusses her makeover from hairdresser to motivational speaker, coach, author, and sales trainer.
“I used to work on the outside of peoples’ heads. Now I work on the inside,” she says. “There is only a 1/2 inch difference.”
That sound bite landed Patricia an interview on 60 Minutes and launched her career as a million-dollar speaker.
This is your chance to ask Patricia all the questions that weigh on your mind:
How to launch your career as a professional speaker;
How to trim excessive and sloppy language from your message;
How to add colour to your story so the audience can see it; and
Any burning questions you may have.
Invite your friends or work colleagues to join the conversation. Questions will be poised by a mediator from those you submit with your event registration or live through Zoom ‘Chat.’
Register here
Register today for an hour of shear delight! This event will be recorded and available on District 60’s website for future viewing.