Nearly seventeen years ago I wandered into a Toastmasters meeting at the suggestion of a co-worker. I had heard of Toastmasters as “oh, that public speaking group” but never had given Toastmasters much thought beyond acknowledging its existence.
I had delivered many presentations about my work projects to audiences for several years. But at the time of wandering into that Toastmasters meeting, I had not presented for at least one year, and had no future presentations scheduled. That is, until a co-worker asked me to take his place at an open house to present to a neighborhood association. I immediately felt out of practice and soon realized that I needed to continue to speak in front of audiences in order to stay fresh, focused, and forward-thinking. Toastmasters could help me.
I went to the first meeting. The members were welcoming, and the meeting was not only educational, it was fun! Without hesitation I decided to join.
Within a year, without realizing what was happening, Toastmasters was not only helping me to be a better public speaker, but also, it was making me a better leader! Soon I was undertaking Club Officer roles, and not long after, I found myself in District Leadership roles. The best part – this experience was transferable to work and to my volunteer activities. My ability to lead organizations such as a serving as a President of a condo board of directors is due greatly to my Toastmasters experience. Toastmasters benefited me greatly – put in the effort and let it take you to places that you thought were not possible!
I am now seeking to serve the District as your Club Growth Director. I believe that my years of experience in Toastmasters, earning three (3) Distinguished Toastmasters (DTM) Awards and serving in the following roles makes me a strong candidate for the role:
- Logistics Manager (2 years in a row)
- Area Governor (now Area Director)
- Division Governor (now Division Director)
- District Secretary
- Alignment Committee Chair (2 years in a row)
- Reformation Committee Member
In addition to these roles, I have been a Club Mentor numerous times, helped to start Clubs and worked with struggling clubs to maintain their membership. I will use this experience, along with my experience in the roles described above, to establish a team and develop a marketing plans to go get new clubs and maintain strong existing clubs, all of which will lead the District to success.
We are in an exciting time – seeing the formation of a new District! My experience serving as Alignment Chair for two consecutive years followed by serving on the Reformation Committee that oversaw the formation of both Districts gives me a unique perspective of Toastmasters geography and growth potential. My experience of developing visions, leading teams, dealing with issues and monitoring progress will take through the change in District and put us on strong footing.
I am passionate about Toastmasters. With your support, we can make Toastmasters flourish.