If you have completed your Competent Communicator or level I and level II in Pathways you are invited to attend our Open House!
Free underground parking, refreshments, and door prizes.
Advanced 60 Speakers can help you reach new heights in public speaking.
We are an advanced club that offers many benefit to members:
- A streamlined meeting format
- A focus on prepared speeches
- Thorough evaluations
- Fun impromptu speaking
At our Open House, you’ll
- Witness two seasoned Toastmasters present their Pathways Ice Breaker speeches
- See extended evaluation sessions led by contest-winning evaluators
- Meet the welcoming and helpful members of our club, many with leadership experience at the senior level of District 60 & 86
- Find out how we help you with your communication and leadership goals
Join our club before March 31st and receive a FREE GIFT of two Advanced Toastmasters manuals.
Space is limited, so sign up today.